Sunday, November 30, 2008

a gift from heaven

today while having a tough fight wif a game ---Genji
i received a letter at full surprise
i paused my game for a little while, n started to read the letter
OMG 4 pages in total... ...

One of my old friend sent me this
hihi... she very gt my heart geh, though v seldom talked in school
but, still, old feelings remain the same n unchanged

i really very appreciate what she had done to me, both directly n indirectly

having her in my life, is the biggest gift from heaven
a treasure couldn't b found on earth

neither map nor satellites could coordinate its location
neither god nor human could see its physical look

because it can oni b seen by the purest heart from us both
it belongs to us

Ooopss.... sweet tooth getting itchy jor
if that was sincere from the bottom of my heart
will ya believe it?
i know u will, coz i gt nothing to hind behind u
n u noe that too

that phrase u wrote to me:
"This might be d last letter I'm writing to you...."
did steal few drops of tears from me

dun b like that lar.... ...

i would b sad without ur disturbances

knowing that u r expecting me to write more
wanna make it personal wif you, erm so m nt going to further elaborate
feeling kind of weird er?

nolar, later u will know geh..... hehehehehe
last but nt least
i take our friendships very seriously de o

Monday, November 24, 2008


[ in response to my friend's blog ]

r u afraid of death? of course, the answer depends on individual
some were very keen to die
on the contrary
some were very wishing to have a so called "elixir"

huh... y must v die?
scientific answer: cells unable to rejuvenate
traditional answer: ancestors waiting for your companion
logical answer: give space to the youth
life of circle nvr breaks

recently, i juz gt a quite terrible news from my mum
one of my neighbor, is suffering a very chronic disease
although is nt that serious
but, is going to b that serious

i think i shouldn't reveal, because, even if i did
what would happen?
could i make a positive change? answer is certain

a healthy looking person,
all of sudden........
who can expect this to happen?

may god b wif her
blessing her at all times

life only travel once
that is y v should appreciate n b appreciative

none of us have elixir
unlike games... so syok, after being attacked, applying potion, elixir or casting a spell could make that particular revive

in reality?


a moment of peace is the biggest treasure from heaven
on sunday, i was as usual
sleep n eat....
mum n dad hv gone shopping together leaving me alone in the house

after taking sufficient rest
by the time i woke up from my afternoon nap, ady 3.00pm
big pressure
coz monday is my acc ppr

i switched on my Hi-5
listening to my favorite song
the feeling of being free is juz great

dun u agree?

Thursday, November 20, 2008


wasei... today's account paper was very tough, i wonder what's going to happen on the nex paper... even math paper i also didn't do well either

my poor result damn it... hopefully, i could make it to University
damn it, my friends used to ask me the same Qs...
How was exam?
my reply used to b the same

waiting for the god to bless me

hopefully the more jossticks i burned to God, the more blessings i got in return

i really hv no idea whats going on, all i juz noe is to study study study
my final hope lies on math and economy

i will switch on my full gears on these 2 subjects
wish me luck, k!!!

few days ago, i had a dream, though i hv graduated, forever-ly never deserve a chance to b declared as "smkb-an" haha, so
under half sleep n half conscious condition
willpower manipulated my brain to dream of something according to my wish

so, in reality, that duty will eternally remains undone, due to psychology n social problems
that duty is so hard to b fulfilled, or replacing the word "hard" wif "impossible" would sounds much much better to me

i was so happy, i envy the me in my dream
for hving a chance to do the thing that i have long been waiting for
chance has came, though was subjective

...that unrealistic duty has fulfilled....

Monday, November 17, 2008


my first paper, lai liao lor is PA2

Sunday, November 16, 2008


ASIMO - Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility
today went to 1U purposely to take a look at what humanoid robot really means

After waiting for a short while, ASIMO finally showed its face on stage. When the door of the "box" opened, every1 was shocked...

"Holly Shit!!!"
"Is that possible?"
"OMG" Is that real?"!!!
claps n cheers were everywhere, most of the audience juz couldn't believe what they were looking at

a humanoid robot ran out from the "box"...
the humanoid robot can run, communicate( may b the dialogue has been engineered by technician), run, kick ball, exercise, clap hands and fetch items

waH... Honda really impressive, which has juz once again proved to the world that dreams can b possible....
the crowd r getting more excited when ASIMO ran on its half n full speed...
that juz amazing... but somehow, i still feel that some of the performances like communication, are has been arranged, bcoz throughout the whole performance, the MC nvr give a chance to the audience to ask ASIMO a question, in order to test its abilities of communication

its communication skills is questionable to me

can proton does the same as honda in future? answer is certain, u n me know lar

If 1 day, malaysia decided to make a robot, dun b too excited n supportive
bcoz if this really happened, then v will b forced to pay HIGHER TAX than now for the blood sucker
believe it or nt? haha

Thursday, November 6, 2008


countdown : 1 day before graduation

today was a very special day
our class was in chaos
so great to c every1 dressed themselves according to their taste
really geng
I had fell in love wif 6A3

i like the feeling, so syok man!!!
all the moments spent ware great n hardly to b expressed in words
around 12.35pm, our class started to rearrange tables n chairs

tension suddenly came back.....
a fun n wild class has gone to far far away
when i saw my friends pulling down all the materials pasted on the board
heart has broken into pieces

class was empty, which make me feel juz like a fish out of water
菲菲姐 我真的在拍 布告版 不是 hui chin ar......

still nt ready for the torturing stpm
anyway, got to b well-prepared for tomorrow's lagi sot ceremony

有个朋友 爱国爱到没话讲 原本想放他爱国的照片
可是怕他明天上报纸头条 还是算了吧 傻强你走运拉

谢谢 wei jie 和 gary 因为你们的道具 帅呆了

全家幅 羡慕6A3吧?

countdown : 2 days before graduation

Erm, on tuesday, a not so good announcement was made by our ketua pengawas...
Pre-lewat rules will be implemented again n will take effect starting on wednesday
to all non-smkb, does pre-lewat sounds childish n weird to u? to me, totally freak!
fuck it

i used to b late, or juz ngam ngam reached school compound before bell rang
my timing quite gud huh?

so, today [ 02/11/2008 ] , early in the morning, rain has started to fall from heaven
cold n humid atmosphere makes me feel juz great
still hv 2 days for me to b formally declared as smkb students
after that, i would no longer b able to wear uniform with smkb logo
kind of sad huh?

while i was brushing my teeth, a sweet n warming memory recalled in my mind
god pour the rain on purpose

回想起以前 每次下雨时 妈妈总是用雨伞遮我去学校
风雨不改 虽然某些时候总是有点觉得尴尬
某些时后 经过人多的地放 别人都回用异样的眼光望着我
着么大了 还要妈妈

几年前 我确实觉得很尴尬 难免会底下头 别让别人看见我是谁
经过漫长岁月的磨练 成熟的观念 让我彻底的觉悟
原来体会 妈妈对孩子的溺爱 是最幸福的
反而 紧紧的依围着 妈妈

出门前 雨还是下着
妈妈撑起了雨伞 准备为我当雨
幼小的手臂 慢慢地茁壮成长 "因为有吃饭的关系"

一手握着书 一手撑着伞 一步接一步 心连心

终于来到学校 向妈妈挥挥手后 便进学校 完成剩余的时光
很谢谢老天爷 在我还穿着校服 的毕业前两天



dun worry, other copies will b distributed later on the internet
original copies without effects also available

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


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Monday, November 3, 2008


today, i received a mail from 1 of my tuition mate
that mail is totally meaningful n i wanted to share with all of u
tears also drop upon reading
haiz.... how cruel reality is

'看父母就是看自己的未來 '
> 如果你在一個平凡的家庭長大
> 如果你的父母還健在
> 不管你有沒有和他們同住
> 如果有一天,你發現媽媽的廚房不再像以前那麼乾淨
> 如果有一天,你發現家中的碗筷好像沒洗乾淨
> 如果有一天,你發現母親的鍋子不再雪亮
> 如果有一天,你發現父親的花草樹木已漸荒廢
> 如果有一天,你發現家中的地板衣櫃經常沾滿灰塵
> 如果有一天,你發現母親煮的菜太鹹太難吃
> 如果有一天,你發現父母經常忘記關瓦斯
> 如果有一天,你發現老父老母的一些習慣不再是習慣時,就像他們不再想要天天洗澡時
> 如果有一天,你發現父母不再愛吃青脆的蔬果
> 如果有一天,你發現父母愛吃煮得爛爛的菜
> 如果有一天,你發現父母喜歡吃稀飯
> 如果有一天,你發現他們過馬路行動反應都慢了
> 如果有一天,你發現在吃飯時間他們老是咳個不停
> 千萬別誤以為他們感冒或著涼,( 那是吞嚥神經老化的現象)
> 如果有一天,你發覺他們不再愛出門 …
> 如果有這麼一天
> 我要告訴你,你要警覺父母真的已經老了
> 器官已經退化到需要別人照料了
> 如果你不能照料,請你替他們找人照料
> 並請你請你千萬千萬要常常探望
> 不要讓他們覺得被遺棄了
> 每個人都會老
> 父母比我們先老
> 我們要用角色互換的心情去照料他
> 才會有耐心、才不會有怨言
> 當父母不能料理自己的時候,為人子女要警覺,
> 他們可能會大小便失禁、可能會很多事都做不好,
> 如果房間有異味,可能他們自己也聞不到,
> 請不要嫌他髒或嫌他臭,為人子女的只能幫他清理,
> 並請維持他們的『自尊心』。
> 當他們不再愛洗澡時,
> 請抽空定期幫他們洗身體,
> 因為縱使他們自己洗也可能洗不乾淨。
> 當我們在享受食物的時候,
> 請替他們準備一份大小適當、容易咀嚼的一小碗,
> 因為他們不愛吃可能是牙齒咬不動了。
> 從我們出生開始,
> 餵奶換尿布、生病的不眠不休照料、
> 教我們生活基本能力、供給讀書、吃喝玩樂和補習,
> 關心和行動永遠都不停歇。
> 如果有一天,> 他們真的動不了了,
> 角色互換不也是應該的嗎?
> 為人子女者要切記,
> 看父母就是看自己的未來,
> 孝順要及時。
> 如果有一天,> 你像他們一樣老時,你希望怎麼過?
> 現在的你,> 是在當單身寄生蟲、還是已婚雙料或多料寄生蟲?
> 你留意過自己的父母嗎?
> 樹欲靜而風不止、子欲養而親不在
> 您的父母還有多少時間等您?