Thursday, August 23, 2012


夜深时刻,很多人都已经呼呼大睡,准备为明天的计划奔驰。 人生,对我而言,最可怕的感觉是 孤单。 我家后面是个草丛,邻居也因为这样,给这个草丛来个改革换面,搭了一个小鸡寮,养了几只鸡。话说回来,能在kl看到活生生的鸡,还真是难得~ 另外,邻居也养了母狗一只。 狗妈妈在去年年尾,生下了9只小狗狗,没错是9只,一家大小或得开心 (虽然没狗爸爸不曾出现),可说是可爱的“单亲家庭”。 邻居,唉。。。 却不理会这些狗狗,就把他们放在草丛后面自生自灭,令人心酸。 我妈妈怀着菩萨心肠 (我妈妈真的是好人一名),把家里的煲汤肉,掺些饭给它们吃,结果久而久之,这些狗狗就每天定时定候,到我家等饭吃。好花不常在,好景不常在,这些狗狗有些不见了,有些送了给人,有一只不幸的,被一名“来历不明的 JIBAI (原谅我粗鲁的语言)” 给打死了。 结果,后院里,就只剩下一只狗妈妈和一只小狗狗吧了。 狗狗与人一样,发挥了人间最美丽的爱, “母爱” 狗妈妈都会保护那只小狗狗,每当有陌生人经过,小狗狗 都会躲在狗妈妈的后面 一起“汪汪”叫。。。 看的让人觉得温馨。 它们两,形影不离,去到哪里都是两人行,看得让人觉得,“狗狗”还比我们人类更会做 “人”。 试想想,现在很多的年轻人都闲 自己的爸爸妈妈多余,老了没用处,反而把他们自己“善良的一面”,呈现了给上司,而把 “丑恶的一面”, 呈现了给爸爸妈妈。 看见上司就百般殷勤,good morning前,good morning后, 看见只自己的爸爸妈妈就, “茶还没准备好吗?怎么这样? (再加个丑脸,来加强不爽的心情)”。 是不是觉得很好笑,每错,现在的社会都出现了这些毛病。 上司是给你饭吃,但是,父母却给你生命,教育 和 辅导,应得到你“善良的一面”是父母, 而“丑恶的一面”是上司。当然我不是说要你摆臭脸给上司看,而是有技巧性的去表达 职场上的立场。 好,回来回来,我想说的重点是,应为治安问题,那只小狗狗(约13个月大),被邻居抓出了某个工厂去看护。 我妈妈听到这个消息后,不经落下了眼泪,应为那只小狗狗是我妈的心肝宝贝。 我叹息,应为我知道寂寞难挨。 寂寞最痛,应为你最想念的人 已不再,而你 就只能默默地想念。 由于想在的我还没有开工,天天都呆在家里,我好享受啊! 即使被别人用异样的眼眶看我,说我是宅男或没朋友的,没关系,让你说个够,反正我喜欢呆在家陪妈妈。有些时候我很想出去,很想出去走走,但是当我换好衣服,坐在车上,我便开始后悔了,很不想出去,好想快点回家陪妈妈。哈哈哈哈哈,所以,我大部分的时间都是和妈妈相处的,喜欢妈妈的温暖,喜欢妈妈的唠叨,喜欢妈妈的温馨,喜欢妈妈的疼爱。 而这只小狗狗,就没有我那么幸福。至今,它和它妈妈离开了约5天,我们一家到现在还是很想念那只狗狗。 它现在一定是很寂寞 很孤单,很害怕。 试想想,如果半夜发恶梦,惊醒,望四周,看不到妈妈,你会心里淌血么? 其实,有些时候,动物们爱睡觉,是应为他们想通过入眠,梦见它们的家人,希望梦里相聚。 珍惜一切,感恩为你付出过的每一个人。 狗狗,我祝福你。

Thursday, March 29, 2012


绊脚石很多 太阳也很猛烈
然而 大家都还是马不停蹄 为自己的理想而冲

很感动 大家都成长了

今天呢 我和我的同窗们如常开会 讨论课业
大家的无私分享 和开心的笑声 顿时觉得世界也亮了起来

我很喜欢大学的生活 可惜
好花不常开 好景不常在
我能做的就是 就是把我接下来的大学时光 来个最后冲刺 要很精彩 很幸福 很开心

这张照片令我很感动 在你最需要帮助时 小天使来了
然而 没有人能帮到自己 如果自己都不帮自己加油
所以 小天使就是我们 而那盏贩黄的灯 就是新希望

就给些空间我 让我提上那盏贩黄的灯 大展雄伟
我要让你们看见 我精彩的一面 我要让你们知道 我是很精彩 很厉害 很强的
我不留遗憾给自己 因为我相信 我会用我的心 去感染大家 用我的心去体会世界的美好


相信自己。 you can make a fantastic change!

Friday, March 9, 2012


人生很多精彩 只要用心去生活 你就会发现 “阿,活着真好”。


“阿,原来当初的困境 还不只是如此的 微不足道”

真心生活 祝福大家拥有美好的一每天~

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Tax benefits~

Is tax good? Well, it fully depends on the policy written in the law. Whenever we say tax, normally and casually, it doesn’t give much good sense, as it means a “payment”.

Entertainment tax, government tax, service tax... wow! the bills... However, a good citizen may choose to say : I love tax! Ya right, go for it dude! So how tax impact our living? Some expenses are tax deductible, and for that reason, be smart in filling up the form! When I was in the course of principle of Malaysian Taxation in UUM, I was taught of how to compute the tax payable. That’s interesting.

Now, putting it into the field of finance, in finance, we emphasize on tax too because tax benefits give rises to the NPV of a project. Assuming a 5-years project was valuated its NPV of (1000) if full equity financing is used. This project should be rejected, a rational financial analyst may say.
However, would changes happen if partial of the financing were sourced from loan?

To account that:
Suppose a company decided to borrow RM30000 at 10% interest rate to be part of the financing sources. Here, the NPV of the loan would be:

NPV of loan=Loan received-(PV of taxed interest payment)- PV of loan
NPV of loan=RM30000-RM1980 {(1-1/((1+0.1)^5))(1/0.1) }- (RM30 000)/((1.1)^5)
This NPV value reflects the tax benefits on interest paid.
To prove that: in the event of no tax,
NPV of loan=RM30000-RM3000 {(1-1/((1+0.1)^5))(1/0.1) }- (RM30 000)/((1.1)^5)

Note: Assuming no floatation cost, tax rate is 34%
In time value of money, whatever received in future is always valued at lower than whatever received today. The RM30 000 received today can be highly beneficial to the borrower, because he/she can use the money now for profitable investment income and repay the money in full later. However, the lender NOT STUPID too, they charged interest on the loan received. Thus, the interest paid inclusive of the element of “discounting factor and risks”, the risks refer to the uncertainty of repayment on borrower or some unforeseen events in future. Thus, The RM30000 received is positive and the remaining two items are negative.

So, why the final summation is in positive? Refer first equation. That’s because of the tax deductibility on interest payment.

Remember EBIT? Tax payment is calculated after deduction of interest payment. If no interest, means higher EBT, which means more tax. If interest exists, means lower EBIT, and lower tax. Huh... lower EBT? does that means my position as equity holder receives lesser??

The different of the two is the tax benefit of interest. So eventually, the NPV of loan becomes positive.

haha... when a firm raise funds through debt financing, the residual net profit, will be distributed to FEWER equity holders. On the contrary, when a firm raise funds through equity financing, for example, issuing common stocks, the residual net profit, will be distributed to more equity holders. so, bigger pie but more slices VS smaller pie but lesser slice.

You see, the loan borrowed must be repaid, through interest and principal in full. However, when both were fully paid, the NPV of loan should equal to zero, but why residual positive? That’s because tax exemption happens on every interest payment we made.
So, is debt financing good? That depends on our risk attitude. Debt increases firm’s value through tax benefits but decreases in value through bankruptcy.where the scale lies? hump...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

the downside

whenever i put an extreme hope on something and when the odd goes to me, i collapse completely, like a mountain being boomed into pieces when the red button was pressed. di..di..di.."BOOM"... or like an ice ball being thrown into the wall and got smashed into pieces eventually. Hate it that way!

If... hey dude, be practical, no such thing as "if" in this world, if it does, we are living peacefully and happily ever after! and as a result, you wouldn't hearing people shouting some classical idioms such as :

1. what the F*** ( most rated)
2. Holy S***

People tend to give excuses starting with the word of "IF" and from here, we know they are giving us the excuses to excuse them from any blames or responsibilities or wrong act or shall i say in a more pleasant and informal way, "mis-act".

" I tell you ar, IF... then..." come on! just take it and live up with the painful lessons learned in the painful way. I know it hurts, but, does the hurt worthwhile? it depends on what corrective actions you took thereafter and what result produced. So just live with it!!!

note: i am on a therapy with myself (when writing this) for the bad exam i just went through. That was completely F***ing shit way i have ever had. I have underestimated the paper and have foregone the opportunity of scoring an apple. What a damn! Shit x3 !

what if... ... no way, ain't going to use that! may the best of the best go with me. gambateh n never give up. (although is easier to say than done, but that shall be the most i can do to counter the pain of my heart).


Saturday, April 16, 2011


will carlsberg continues to soar? That's kind of difficult to answer.

carlsberg stock has been doing exceptionally well recently. Dated back to one month ago, if history is a good guide in decision making, we shall reach to a conclusion that the approximate RM1 appreciation on paper, from march to mid april signals some exciting selling to realize the gain. Will the trend keeps going? A slip is anticipated due to potential shorting on carlsberg. However, upon that continual appreciation is foreseeable in view of the products that truly catch the heart of non-muslim buyers in malaysia both citizens and foreign visitors.

Note: above is just my own personal judgment.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


the stray wolf, in the dark, where the moon arisen, signifying rising consciousness and hunting alertness within, the glow and soft breeze left the wolf alone in the night. the wolf, recharging energy, moving slow as no danger of its predators could be sensed, in fact the wolf has no predators as he always assume he is the best.

the pride was hidden within, utmost noble yet not recognized in this universal. He knew himself well, only efforts would drive him to success, he tried and tried yet the outcome remains constant across time. He is clever, agile but was not welcome by the majority. He stays alone.

with little fur on its neck, soft skin in dark brown color , strong and tense muscle on each leg, actively pumping heart-beats, sharp claws and devastating teeth, he is ready for a hunt. He wasn't hunting for food, but just to put his skills and agility into test. How could a king survives without knowing his own strengths and weaknesses?

the night was a complete dead silent. nothing spoke excepted the noise from the annoying bugs. The sky was clear with little clouds surrounding the moon. The wolf camouflaged himself well, the tree trunks gave credits to his disguise, the wolf is now even harder to be spotted. Slowly, it laid its body close to the ground, supported by the firm muscles, the eyes were in full focus, ears were standing straight, nose was sniffing rapidly.

the dead silent continued.

Friday, August 27, 2010

cartonised presentation

as the days is approaching, the presentation is getting closer and closer. I'm trying the hardest just to put my best on the show to impress the whole class and of course to outdo the selected two enemies who proclaim the join forces of them two has the greatest talent in class. I'm going to beat them down all alone... of course i have friends and teammates who is going to help me along this...

but in recent days, i'm quite satisfied with all the works m doing and as such, ego filled the souls causing me more introverted and always insists on the view of mine. However, certain of my views are wrong and was nt aware by me. I'm totally piss off.

during the recent tests, i wasn't doing well in my exams in my own assesment on my performance. I should have gone ways ahead than just this... i do not deserve this... however, due to the lackage of communication found, i was lost again... I started to realise that standing on my own is somehow hard and team-view is needed. However, things do not turn out the way as i've expected.

have to put more efforts and make everything a success again. No failure shall take takes thereon.

so, back to the presentation again, today i dreamed that my enemy had just delivered a very impressive presentation where the presentation was highly visualised and cartonised wif animations.

This has gaven me a headstart. I started to realised that using an effect charts and cartonised or visualised diagram is going to deliver a good understanding to all audiances because the focus of them has on the presentation has greatly memorised all key points deliverd and delivering. So, repeating in stories shall no longer needed.

Hence, with the deep understanding they have, whenever we told them to complete a task which is related the info presented, the output afrerall is going to be a great success. 3D, charts, digits... these are successful tools to be used for microsoft ppt. also, the presentation has to be cartonised ( or visualised for adult) and integrate it wif effective management technics, everything will be under controlled...

cartonised, visualised, coomunicative and managements the cycle of a career...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

break of the day!

many of my friends say they are thinking deep about their own future, how things should shape in the near future... is good to have plan ahead however the best thing shall lie on the effort spend to make those a reality.

As for me, being in uum so called a forest, has greatly changed my view in life. all i could say is, i met some who are very well talented which each of them has given me an inspiration. Living here is kinda good to me, i found my best friends and freedom where i never thought of to have prior to this. Of course, i met some who really irritated me...

friends here are good so far, unlike those in secondary, where some did piss me off... whatever, m doing fine here and hopefully here will shape me to a better professionalism.

i'm so obssed wif fairy tales and traditional stories... where i still deep believing that there are some kitab-kitab encrypted with special critical skills which could cause a great harm to any enemy faced! I still believing that some weapons are hidden in valleys where it could release a strong and sharp killing power to cause blood from the enemy!

some might say m crazy to have this kind of thought at this age... cheh, thats me, the way i live my life... and as such, m also fascinated with travelling...

i wish to travel around the globe, sips wine while sun bathing, socialise wif different people, to china to observe heritages at my late age and to arfica to enjoy a total forest living styles... crocodiles, tigers, snakes...

city life is great to show your competetiveness but not good to be regarded as stress releasing tool or life fulfillment. life is short, time is not evaluated based on how long you havelived, time is evaluated based on how much fulfillments you brought into your life... if fulfillments ain't there, whats the meaning of life?

i met a lect who currently is pursing a PHD. i dun like him much, but the inspiration he has and striving skills he holds both did give me an interest to follow his path. he is young n cheerful, an quite handsome too to a certain extend, career-fulfilling and striving... i love the way how he conducts his life, to hold a PHD at this age of him, i think he is in around 27-29, is totally amazing...

may be i should change my behavior, be willing to grab any opportunities offer and must overcome my lazyness... but, in most circumstances, campaign used to piss me off because is always fully filled wif passive learning and is not founded wif aggresive active learning.

should gv my self an opportunity to let go of the closed me, be open and ready to embrace the new and to make life vibrating!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010


well... it been long i lost my marks in blogspot. But, that doesn't mean i hv neglected it, i did open my blog quite frequently to check my friends' upates, but most of them seems busy these few days. Thats normal, since this is my 1st blog in 2010.

I hv to admit, i was busy. Busy wif school stuffs... Assignments and exams nvr end, it keeps burdening me. When one mid sem was done, you gotta prepare for he next, when all were done, the news of final exam came.

Not just exam, meetings too, a hatred. Meeting meting meting, meetings were irritating when the activities you took part give no specific interests to you. Meetings get worse, when the outcome is zero to you or the director tells you that :"alright, we are going to have another meeting again by xxx for further discussions". Thats the worst of all.

I really enjoy my time in library when all my homeworks are done, sitting down comfortably, pick a book and read at ease. Surf net, music and reading, thats the way i wish to have.

Don you think thats is great?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

few days b4 school

spending this christmas with the same person again, hohoho... no other than this lovely small cloud. after christmas, i'll b going back to uni for further study. a hectic n bz life is going to begin.

all i can say is "let the challenges begin!"